S.No. | Product |
Executed Trigger | LTP | StopLoss | Target | Trade Strength | Trade Smart | |||||
Buy Above 48489.3 | 48497.5 | 48291.85 | 49335.5 | Weak Up | |||||
2 | NIFTY |
Buy Target | 22552.5 | 22100.7 | 22624.85 | Weak Up |
S.No. | Product |
Executed Trigger | LTP | StopLoss | Target | Trade Strength | Trade Smart | |||||
Comming Soon |
S.No. | Product |
Executed Trigger | LTP | StopLoss | Target | Trade Strength | Trade Smart | |||||
Comming Soon |
Not avilable for Demo User |
* Delayed market data (Auto updated).
* Refer day triggers after 10 minutes of market opening to avoid spikes.
www.technicaliq.com, markets view is purely based on general guidelines of Technical Analysis. As markets are very dynamic by nature, so forecasting of markets is subject of probabilities not certainties. Before you get started with trading in the financial markets, you should consider your trading and investment goals, objectives, trading experience and your personal risk tolerance.We do believe subscribers/viewers acting on these recommendations or views after assuming all the risk involved then reach to actual judgment for buy or sell. Our site will never ever create any intention for bad information. This is only for your information and guidance. For more information visit: